Archive | December, 2010

Creative Uses of Text to Screen

15 Dec

Welcome to the new website on all the creative uses for the marketing software Text to Screen. If you’re already here, you probably already know what the software is all about, but if not, you can check out the text to screen website for more information. While text to screen is used a lot in entertainment venues such as bars, nightclubs, and concerts, its versatile nature leaves much of its true potential untapped. I would like to start out and suggest a few more creative and less used ways text to screen software can be used in order to get the creative juices going.

One method that is gaining popularity is the use of the software in churches and religious events. With the changing world, many religious organizations have found their congregations diminishing due to “traditional” religious services. As a result, “contemporary” services have exploded in popularity, which are composed of contemporary elements such as rock music, lightshows, and video displays. What do all of these things have in common? Technology; technology such as text to screen. By using text to screen software, contemporary church events become places of extremely interactive fellowship. It can be used for broadcasting praises, prayer requests, or even church announcements. In church youth groups, text to screen can be a huge hit among middle and high school students who are already familiar with texting.

Another creative use of the text to screen software is to use it in the political arena. One great example that several senators and representatives have been using is displaying a text to screen display outside of their building where constituents can voice their opinions on upcoming bills and policies for all the public to see. Not only does this keep legislators more accountable to the general public’s wishes, it also instills more trust into them as the public can see their willingness to listen to ideas in a transparent manner.

Hope these ideas have given you a lot to think about for your own campaigns and check back soon for more creative uses of text to screen software.